Be Inspired by Aretha Sanders, GBH-NEPM Educator Ambassador

We’re proud to focus our lens on Aretha Sanders, one of our regional GBH/NEPM Educator Ambassadors — a program that brings together  K-12 educators who teach in a wide variety of roles, disciplines, and grades across the Commonwealth, each one using innovative approaches to integrate technology in the classroom.

A video production teacher at Springfield’s High School of Science and Technology, Aretha shares how PBS LearningMedia helps support her students’ studies in this taping of her and students.  What you don’t learn in this video is Continue reading

Apply to Be a ’22 GBH/NEPM Education Ambassador!

The GBH/NEPM Educator Ambassador (EA) program brings together Massachusetts K-12 educators who teach in a wide variety of roles, disciplines, and grades across the Commonwealth. The program represents committed, new/seasoned, and diverse educators with a wide range of talent and innovative approaches to integrating technology in the classroom.

You can learn Continue reading

Our Local PBS KIDS Early Learning Champion!

NEPM is delighted to share that Arbely Mejia, formerly a PreK teacher at the YMCA of Greater Springfield and now at Springfield’s Brunton Elementary School, has been recognized as a PBS KIDS Early Learning Champion!

NEPM’s Education Department nominated Arbely to receive this two-year professional learning initiative for educators of young children because of her Continue reading

Thanking & Inspiring Teachers Near & Far

Watching this All About the Holidays video, we learn that Eleanor Roosevelt led the way to the establishment of an annual Teacher Appreciation Day on May 2 after receiving the suggestion in a teacher’s letter.  (Eleanor, herself a teacher, would know the effort and spirit needed to teach well and the importance of expressing appreciation for teachers’ important work.)

In its desire to say “Thank You” to teachers, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation Continue reading

Distance Learning with PBS LearningMedia

Register for this one-hour virtual event!

Teachers, do you want to hear how PBS Digital Innovator All Star educators support engaging, effective distance learning?

This virtual learning event, hosted by PBS master trainers and educators, will highlight a variety of tips, from student activities to digital tools and PBS LearningMedia hacks. Featuring insights applicable to elementary, middle and high-school classrooms, the session will focus on skills, tips, and techniques you can apply tomorrow to prepare for successful distance learning, whether you’re working with your students in person or sharing lessons online. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions in real time, all while testing virtual learning technologies and preparing lessons your students can do in a classroom or from their own living room.

This event is for educators of children of all ages.

You can prepare in advance by sharing your ideas and questions on twitter with the hashtag #PBSTeachersChat.
This is a highly participatory experience, and our goal is to provide tools and hacks to help you set up a digital classroom that works whether your learners are in the same room or a distance away.

You can also find additional relevant content on PBS TeachersLounge blog.

Apply to be a WGBH/WGBY 2020 Educator Ambassador!

The WGBH/WGBY Educator Ambassador program brings together Massachusetts K-12 educators who teach in a wide variety of roles, disciplines, and grades from across the Commonwealth. The program represents passionate educators with a wide range of talent and innovative approaches to integrating technology in the classroom. This community of teachers will empower you to grow professionally, advocate for innovative digital media, and drive school transformation.

We’re looking for: Continue reading

Webinar to Instill a Love of Science

This Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 7:00:00 PM EDT – 8:00:00 PM EDT, you can join the
webinar Engaging Students in Science Phenomena and Practices with PBS LearningMedia for grades 6-12.
To address the question, “How can we instill in our students a love of science – plugging into their natural curiosity?” WGBH Educator Ambassadors will share strategies for the effective use of free, highly-engaging and student-tested PBS LearningMedia resources as a foundation for grade 6-12 lessons.

Continue reading

Fred Roger’s Legacy — Teaching with Love & Imagination

Whether accepting an award before a celebrity-studded audience or demonstrating the art of tying shoe laces to his young viewers, Fred Rogers taught with love and imagination.

As a result, children loved him.  A recent article in the online periodical JSTOR Daily, Long Live Mr. Roger’s Quiet Revolution, tells how in 1969 children across the country sent in dollar bills and pennies totaling $4,000 to keep their favorite neighbor on the air.

Fred Rogers would have been 90 years old on March 20, and to honor him there are plans for Continue reading

CALL FOR ENTRIES: 2017 PBS Digital Innovators

This application video for Jesse Buetow (5th grade classroom teacher) for 2016 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators at first might seem intimating to me if I were considering applying for the 2017 Digital Innovator Program.  But I’ve learned — through my professional development experiences as a teacher — to follow my instincts, forget expectations, and do my best.  Surprising things can happen and, regardless of outcomes, we grow as professionals.

Now in its 5th Year, the Digital Innovator Program recognizes top PreK-12 educators using digital technology and tools in the classroom.  The call for this year’s entries is officially open through midnight, February 13, 2017.  All teachers who enter will become part of the PBS Digital Innovators Community, and the 50 top applicants — one from each state — will become 2017 Digital Innovators.

Before you leave for the holiday break (or while you’re on it), we hope you’ll learn more about the program and the streamlined application process by Continue reading