The Great Gatsby Curve Lesson Plan

Whether The Great Gatsby or economics are part of your curriculum, students can benefit from this video and the lesson from which it’s taken.  The lesson introduces a new economic theory to students through the classic novel and its latest film version.  Additionally, it provides a simulation where resources are not equally distributed and students have an authentic opportunity to experience inequality. Continue reading

New PBS LearningMedia Content from D-Day 360

We are happy to unveil new PBS LearningMedia content from D-Day 360, a documentary premiering TONIGHT, 5/27 on PBS that commemorates the 70th Anniversary of D-Day (6/6/2014). PBS LearningMedia not only has the full program available, but it is also broken down by chapters and video clips for easy use in the classroom. Continue reading

Free Educator Webinar: Inspiring STEM Educators with NASA Physics & Engineering

On Monday, April 28, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. EST, you can attend this STEM webinar to learn how to bring exciting, real-world applications of physics and engineering into the classroom.  You’ll receive an exclusive look into the resources in the NASA Physics and Engineering collection on PBS LearningMedia™ as well as advice for teaching with this digital media from NASA. Continue reading