Middle School Lessons: Teaching Reading (& Writing) in the Content Areas

ccorestandardspic_Common Core State Standards set requirements not only for English language arts but also for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects — making content-area reading more important than ever.

Because students usually need practice with content-area reading, PBS LearningMedia provides ways to boost literacy using the Middle School Literacy Initiative, which is funded by the Walmart Foundation and supported by other PBS LearningMedia resources.  With these self-paced online lessons, perfect for blended learning environments, students can read, review vocabulary, and practice writing in the content areas.

You can visit any of the following individual lessons:

Science:   On the continental drift, students learn how an idea that started with a man looking at a map of continent became a scientific theory.

Mathematics:  On unit conversion, students figure out how much water various activities use and also learn about water conservation.

Health:  Should I eat this?   Students learn about nutrition values of different foods and meet two students with diabetes.

Social Studies:   Students meet four teen immigrants and learn about the challenges they face as they adapt to American culture.

To use the lessons, students simply need to register for an account on PBS LearningMedia, or use their existing account.