Beavers — Great Hydro Engineers & Environmental Saviors

Industrious beavers are now seen by many experts as overlooked tools in the effort to reverse the disastrous effects of global warming and worldwide water shortages.

To complement NATURE’S Leave It To The Beavers, airing on WGBY on Wednesday, May 14, at 8p, PBS LearningMedia has resources Continue reading

Literacy Resources for Vocabulary & Works of Notable Authors

PBS LearningMedia offers resources to strengthen the literacy skills of students from kindergarten through high school.  A nationally popular vocabulary/reading program from the beloved PBS KIDS program Martha Speaks, sport-themed words from The Electric Company, and videos/images for The Catcher in the Rye are all designed to engage students and enhance curricula. Continue reading

Highlighting Math Model Curriculum Units (MCUs)

Math_land_5-288x162National Math Month in April is coming up quickly. Why not try out a math MCU?  The current collection of MCUs contains over 20 in math, spanning the PK-4 through high school.  Ratios, Rates, and Percents, a 6th grade MCU, was given a rating of Exemplar by Achieve, an independent organization dedicated to education reform. Other examples of MCUs — all of which include a curriculum embedded performance assessment, lesson plans, and digital resources — include Math Grade 1 Power of Ten and Math HS Modeling Exponential and Logarithmic Functions.

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Still Time to Enroll in PBS TeacherLine Spring Courses

TL Spring 14 CoursesWhile 15, 30, or 45-hour PBS TeacherLine spring courses began on March 26, you still have until March 28 to enroll.  Among the many advantages of these preK-12 online courses is that they fit into your full schedule with anytime, anywhere learning, and many of them offer PDPs or CEUs.  You can also explore new PBS TeacherLine professional development courses that help you build your digital classroom.

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Legendary White Stallions — Living Art!

pPBS3-15317387regThe PBS Nature series presents a vivid history of the legendary Lipizzaner horses. The video traces the origin of these beautiful animals, sparked with scenes of modern riders and their horses, and mares and their foals. Marvel as horse and rider transform what was once a weapon of war into a living work of art. Beyond this stunning video, you can find an impressive range of preK-12 classroom resources Continue reading

PBS TeacherLine Winter Courses

pd-contest-2013_teachersTo provide you with cutting edge teaching skills and techniques, PBS TeacherLine offers online development courses trusted by thousands of PreK-12 educators — from 15, 30, and 45-hour facilitated courses to 3-hour self-paced courses you can take on your own time.  Courses begin January 22 (but you can enroll through January 24).  If you enroll by January 22nd, you’ll be automatically entered to win FREE in-person PD training for your entire school  from PBS .  Continue reading

Teacher Webinars for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

phy03_img_observe_lPBS LearningMedia™ is launching a new STEM initiative, “Teaching NGSS Engineering Design Through Media.” This collection offers 40 resources to help bring engineering alive for students.   Attending a webinar for PBS stations about the collection, I learned about these media-rich resources and the myths surrounding engineering.  To support teachers as they face demanding new standards, PBS LearningMedia and WGBH will  host a series of teacher webinars later this month, introducing the Next Generation Science Standards collection and offering advice for incorporating the resources into their classrooms. Continue reading

NOVA: Alien Planets Revealed Plus Space & Flight Resources

alien-planets-revealed-viOn Wednesday, January 8, at 9pm, WGBY airs NOVA:  Alien Planets Revealed where viewers explore strange worlds and possible creatures in the thousands of exotic new worlds far beyond our solar system that NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler Telescope has discovered.  You can see a preview and find classroom resources at NOVA’s website and at PBS LearningMedia. Continue reading

Bilingual Site for Educators and Families — Colorin Colorado

indexColorín Colorado, a bilingual site is filled with useful information, strategies, and resources whether for the ESL teacher or content area teacher with one or two English learners in class.  Although many activities have been designed for PreK-3 children, most can be adapted for students through high school, with many strategies applicable to all students, regardless of their primary language. Continue reading