LESSON PLAN FEATURE: Story Telling – Writers’ Workshop

storytellingStorytelling, an ancient art form, is what humans do best.  One of four lessons for grades 6-8, this lesson has students draw on their understanding of different types of narratives to inspire and enrich their own storytelling. It is based on three other lessons that introduce students to narrative traditions and storytelling from Alaska, Hawaii and other cultures through work with varied narratives, objects, and performance.

One theme woven through these lessons is the diverse nature and form of narratives. All of the narratives presented draw on the great range and variety of stories related to cultural resources available to teacher and student alike. Remember that although the term “narrative” is frequently applied to written texts and oral stories, narratives may also be inherent in a painting, a dance, an object, or an historical record.


  • Create original stories; share them with others orally and in writing, employing language arts practices such as pre-writing (gathering and organizing experiences), drafting, revising collaboratively, polishing and presenting work
  • Experience stories from a range of cultures and recognize both the commonalities and distinctions in styles and motifs of storytelling
  • Begin to identify key aspects of narratives, such as character, setting, action, conflict, and resolution
  • Begin to gain understanding of audience, author, and viewpoint in the context of narrative.

To check out more storytelling lesson plans with Common Core State Standards go to:

Storytelling: Oral Traditions Lesson Plan

Storytelling: Tales of Everyday Life Lesson Plan

Storytelling: Performance and Art Lesson Plan