Celebrating America’s Beloved Culinary Teacher – Julia Child

A large part of what made Julia Child a cooking legend and cultural icon was her ability to teach, and with more than a dash of that special ingredient that teachers add – enthusiasm!  In her passionate and sometimes breathless way, Julia forever changed the way we cook, eat, and think about food.

This month, WGBY wished Julia Child, TV’s first celebrity chef, a happy 100th birthday.  As you enjoy these August days, you might want to relax by watching some of the most memorable episodes from her classic cooking series, The French Chef.  Featured will be commentary from noted chefs, actress Meryl Streep, and author Julie Powell.

Check out this remix video from PBS Digital Studios that was created for this special centennial celebration of Julia’s life:


You can also watch clips from Julia’s pioneering public television series as well as related video, including one of Meryl Streep giving her private theory about Julia’s “animating sparkle” and indomitable spirit.  Bon appétit!