PBS Kids Lab Website Expanded to Help Develop Math Skills

The PBS KIDS Lab, which offers more than 50 cross-platform games designed to help children ages 2-8 develop their math skills, has been expanded by adding new features to support caregivers and teachers.

These additions include bilingual translations of parental instructions, math tips for families and teachers to use in their daily activities, and a new blog series with content related to children and media. WGBY is working to bring PBS Kids Lab games to Springfield children through the Ready to Learn: North End initiative.  PBS and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting are partners on the project, which is part of the federally funded Ready To Learn Initiative.

THE ELECTRIC COMPANY’s Prankster Planet is a Transmedia Learning Experience for Literacy

To keep kids learning this summer, The Electric Company has created Prankster Planet, an animated video and online “transmedia” experience featuring Electric Company members Jessica and Marcus as comic book heroes in a 12-part animated adventure.  Their mission is to get to Prankster Planet ASAP and stop the pranksters from stealing all the words from Earth. The TV segments will end with the characters directing viewers online, where the story continues in 12 multilevel online quests, 60 minigames, an avatar creator, a rewards system to encourage repeat play and a magazine. And coming in early summer, there also will be a progress tracker online for parents and teachers to follow kids’ learning online.

Here’s just one of the missions:

You can help kids fight the summer reading slide by practicing literacy skills at home.  To try your hand at the game, visit The Electric Company Prankster Planet.