Nutrition in Our Schools: Getting Food in the Food

kids-lunch-lineeSchool News recently reported on new rules that look like they’ll go a long way toward eliminating unhealthy foods in schools. The report refers to an Associated Press article by Mary Clare Jalonick about upcoming Agriculture Department regulations on high fat, calorie, sugar and salt foods sold during the school day, including those in a la carte lines, often the culprit of beige foods (e.g., fries, nuggets).

Weighing in on this news in the AP article is Michelle Obama, who has dedicated her efforts to childhood obesity, saying, “’. . . as a mom myself, I am so excited that schools will now be offering healthier choices to students and reinforcing the work we do at home to help our kids stay healthy.’”

PBS LearningMedia is a great resource for health and nutrition resources.  In fact, you can search the content area “Health and Physical Education”  or do specific search such as “Nutrition.”

Here are just a couple of the wide-ranging resources with support materials you’ll find:

Balanced Meals (Grades 1-4) “Fizzy’s Lunch Lab” videos & related lesson plan with informative overview of food and nutrition topics; emphasize a positive change in the current state of childhood nutrition by promoting a balanced food pyramid

Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (Grades 6-12)  Video segment adapted from American Experience: “Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring,” about the lethal impact of the pesticide DDT on wildlife

We’d be happy to hear your thoughts about current conditions of nutrition in schools or any resources you may have to share on these subjects.

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