International Women’s Day 2016

“I am a woman and I am powerful.”  Motto for this day by a young woman from Istanbul, Turkey

These articulate, young women from many lands appear empowered to take on the challenges of their generation.  Whether growing up in privilege or oppression, girls need at least one person in their lives who listens and helps them navigate the challenging, often confusing road to womanhood.

Among her comments in a recent interview with National Public Radio’s Fresh Air host, Terri Gross, author Nancy Jo Sales stresses the need for parents to talk with their teenage girls about the damaging words and images they can encounter online every day.  In her new book,  American Girls: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers, Sales discusses a new sexism she’s discovered on the Internet that’s especially harmful to teenager girls.

Educators, too, need effective resources to influence young peoples’ positive attitudes and choices about themselves, their relationships and their world. 

You’ll find many resources on “International Women’s Day”, more when you search “Feminists” and thousands on “Women” — all at PBS LearningMedia.

To listen to the Fresh Air interview Teen Girls And Social Media: A Story Of ‘Secret Lives’ And Misogyny, click here.

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