Monson High graduates recall the June 1 tornado

Along with the anniversary of the June 1 tornado came what seemed like an endless amount of media coverage.  However, when WGBY Producer Tony Dunne spoke with students of Monson High School about their upcoming graduation, we felt their stories were something special and worth sharing with our readers.

Thanks so much to the students for their candid memories. We see a bright future for the Monson High class of 2012!

Update: “Here For Each Other” Guide Also Available in Spanish

Earlier this week, we posted the “Here For Each Other” Guide from Sesame Workshop as a resource for families to deal with emergencies.  Today, with the help of our friends from Sesame Workshop, we’d also like to share the Spanish version: Cuidándonos uno al otro.

A link to the English version can be found here

PBS Teachers Resource: Talking With Kids About News

Talking to KidsPBS has several resources for helping children deal with scary events in the news.  Learn how to calm kids’ fears, stimulate their minds, and encourage them to think about their place in today’s world.  Here are a few tips:

  • Find out what your child knows about the news.
  • Listen to what your child tells you.
  • Ask a follow-up question.
  • Shield children under age eight from disturbing news.
  • Avoid repeated TV viewings of the same news event.
  • Monitor older children’s exposure to the news.
  • Develop an ongoing dialogue with your child about what’s happening in the world.

For more resources like discussion starters, age insights, and ways to work things out through play, visit the PBS Teachers: Talking With Kids About News website.

ARTHUR Family Guide: “Helping Our Children Feel Safe”

firefighterIn light of the tornado damage in Springfield, Monson, Brimfield and surrounding communities, WGBY wanted to provide an excellent resource we’ve found on helping children deal with difficult times.  Arthur’s “Helping Our Children Feel Safe” Parent and Teacher Guide was designed to provide children and parents with a way to think about and discuss upsetting and frightening experiences. This Web guide includes a read-aloud story and parenting tips. Like the episode of Arthur on which it is based, this read-aloud story explores what happens when there is a fire at Lakewood Elementary School. 

We’re also providing this one-sheet of parenting tips called Helping In Difficult Times.  We hope that this may some help as our local families begin to rebuild their lives and recuperate from last week’s events. 

Please let us know of any other helpful resources you’ve found.