Happiness — For a Bhutanese Child and Seattle Teens

Tonight at 10:00 WGBY airs Independent Lens Happiness, which looks at how television may affect Peyangki, a Bhutanese child, when his remote village is connected to electricity.  How will the images coming from access to 46 television stations for 13 hours every day shape him?  A PBS NewsHour classroom resource looks at how poetry Continue reading

Literacy Resources for Vocabulary & Works of Notable Authors

PBS LearningMedia offers resources to strengthen the literacy skills of students from kindergarten through high school.  A nationally popular vocabulary/reading program from the beloved PBS KIDS program Martha Speaks, sport-themed words from The Electric Company, and videos/images for The Catcher in the Rye are all designed to engage students and enhance curricula. Continue reading

Black History Across the Curriculum

imagesMany students and teachers return to classes next week — the last week of February, which is Black History Week.   Black history is a vital subject that can extend to various content within the school curriculum.  For example, the lesson plan Understanding Duke Ellington from WNET for grades 1-4 offers a chance to explore subjects like culture, music, people and their relationships.  Continue reading

LESSON PLAN FEATURE: Writing in the First Person of a Civil Rights Protester

indexWalking in someone else’s shoes can be one of the best ways to understand another human being.  In the  lesson plan It Takes Courage to Be Weak, students begin by analyzing quotations about activism and social change and rewriting them in their own words. Continue reading

Three Classics English Literature Masterpieces — DVD & More

pPBS3-14489712regAn addition to our Video Lending Library is sure to be of interest to English teachers. The Classic English Literature collection (volume 1) contains three classic stories: Great Expectations, by Dickens; Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte; Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte; and Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austin.  You can also find classroom resources Continue reading

Creative Writing for the Holidays

wlvt07_vid_beach_lWrite Now! video writing prompts for grades 6 – 12 at PBS LearningMedia are tools for educators and students to use in the classroom to encourage creative writing. The topics covered in these clips are general/social topics that challenge students to evaluate common day occurrences or items in different ways. Continue reading

Martha Speaks For Thanksgiving and Literacy

indexProduced by WGBH in Boston, Martha Speaks is a fantastic PBS Kids program that takes its name from a beloved dog, Martha, who can talk.  Why?  Because she eats alphabet soup!  And with so many letters in her head, Martha effectively teaches children new vocabulary words, some of which will astonish you.

At the start of the holiday season, children will immediately warm to the family-themed MARTHA’S THANKSGIVING, a special episode where Martha searches for her long-lost canine family as her owner, Helen, has an extended family coming together for Thanksgiving.   The program airs on WGBY this Monday, November 25, and again on Thanksgiving Day at 6:30am, a time that usually finds kids ready to start their day!

Parents and teachers don’t have to rise early to discover the great learning resources that accompany Martha Speaks.  At the Martha Speaks Parent and Teacher’s  website, you’ll find expert research and activities as well as curriculum for Martha Speaks Reading Buddies and Martha Speaks Read Aloud Book Club — all great resources that support students oral vocabulary growth.